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[2014.01.09]   7225 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 2 lats (1992) changed from 11.38 € to 11.00
[2013.12.29]   10473 Eurogold: Coin 2 lats (1992) taken out of sale
[2013.11.28]   2743 Eurogold: Received coin ad 2 lats (1992) with 3.56
[2013.11.15]   2189 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 2 lats (1992) changed from 7.11 € to 11.38
[2013.10.16]   2059 Latviancoins: Selling price of the coin 2 lats (1992) changed from 6.40 € to 14.23
[2013.09.02]   2025 Latviancoins: On sale coin 2 lats (1992) with price 6.40
[2013.08.25]   2014 coininvest.lv: On sale coin 2 lats (1992) with price 5.69