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[2014.10.07]   11712 Eurogold: Coin Coin of Fortune taken out of sale
[2014.09.23]   11686 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 160.00 € to 150.00
[2014.09.20]   11672 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 185.00 € to 160.00
[2014.06.17]   11430 Latviancoins: Received coin ad Coin of Fortune with 200.00
[2014.03.05]   10732 Eurogold: Received coin ad Coin of Fortune with 185.00
[2014.03.04]   10643 Rns: Coin Coin of Fortune taken out of sale
[2014.03.03]   10640 Rns: On sale coin Coin of Fortune with price 360.00
[2014.02.03]   10464 Rns: Coin Coin of Fortune taken out of sale
[2014.01.09]   7672 Rns: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 180.71 € to 185.00
[2013.12.29]   10553 Eurogold: Coin Coin of Fortune taken out of sale
[2013.11.29]   2863 Rns: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 177.86 € to 180.71
[2013.11.28]   2766 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 170.75 € to 180.71
[2013.11.06]   2140 Rns: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 167.90 € to 177.86
[2013.10.31]   2111 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Fortune changed from 167.90 € to 170.75