Coin of Time III

Coin of Time III Coin of Time III
Tipas: Monetų dvi medžiagos
Medžiaga: Sidabras 900°, niobio
Išleista: 2010
Mėnuo: December
Nominalas: 1 Ls
Tiražas: 7 000
Kokybė: UNC
Masė (g): 17.15
Skersmuo (mm): 34.00
Monetos dailininkas: Laimonis Šēnbergs
Gipsinis modelis: Jānis Strupulis
Moneta nukaldinta: Münze Österreich (Austrija)


Seller Price
baltcoin.lv 75.00  [52.71 Ls] new Go to site
+37126029797 60.00  [42.17 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Vladimir 58.00  [40.76 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Anna 57.00  [40.06 Ls] new Collector's cabinet
Proof 55.00  [38.65 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Vadim 58.00  [40.76 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Ivars 58.00  [40.76 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Ieva 60.00  [42.17 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Jānis 58.00  [40.76 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Rns 65.00  [45.68 Ls] Go to site
Jānis 58.00  [40.76 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Lilita 69.00  [48.49 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
renar 55.00  [38.65 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Ivars 50.00  [35.14 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Eurogold 68.00  [47.79 Ls] Go to site
Alex 50.00  [35.14 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
ppgroup 65.00  [45.68 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Latviancoins 70.00  [49.20 Ls] Go to site
Jurijs 65.00  [45.68 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Юрий В 70.00  [49.20 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Arvydas 55.00  [38.65 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
E. 60.00  [42.17 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
artjoms 75.00  [52.71 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Kristine 70.00  [49.20 Ls] old Collector's cabinet


Buyer Price
baltcoin.lv 32.00 €  [22.49 Ls] new Collector's cabinet
Vladimir 45.00 €  [31.63 Ls] new Collector's cabinet
Юрий 46.00 €  [32.33 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Ivars 45.00 €  [31.63 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Maris 45.00 €  [31.63 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Eurogold 30.00 €  [21.08 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Jānis 45.00 €  [31.63 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Moneta 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Sergej 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Валентин 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Jevgeny 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
aleksej 45.00 €  [31.63 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Guntars 50.00 €  [35.14 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
ppgroup 42.00 €  [29.52 Ls] Collector's cabinet
виктор 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
ANTIKWAR999 44.00 €  [30.92 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
goldsilvertrade.lv 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Zane 0.00 €  [0.00 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
MICK 51.22 €  [36.00 Ls] old Collector's cabinet


A symbol of a heraldic rose with letters H and R beneath it is placed in the central part of the coin. The inscription LATVIJAS REPUBLIKA (Republic of Latvia) is arranged in a semicircle at the top of the outer ring, the inscription of the divided year 2010 is situated on the left and right from the coin's centre, and beneath it there is a semicircular inscription VIENS 1 LATS (One 1 Lats).


The outer ring features representations of the eight lunar phases, and the centre of the circle depicts a bird's-eye view of various landscape elements, arranged in the form of a wreath.



The Bank of Latvia has issued the third, green, bimetallic coin of the "Coin of Time" triptych. The obverse of each of the triptych coins features a distinctive flower of the heraldic rose, the symbol of love and beauty, and a token of respect for the discoverer of niobium Heinrich Rose who launched his career in Latvia (letters H and R). The central part of the niobium disk of the reverses, on the other hand, has been designated for recording events or important facts of one's life or for engraving a message for the recipient of the coin.

The reverse of the "Coin of Time III" has been struck in rich green niobium encircled by a silver ring featuring the phases of the Moon. From time immemorial, people have believed that God bestows the day upon the living as a gift. "Beautiful as a day", states a popular medieval adage. Night-time, on the other hand, the realm of the Moon, is relegated to the supernatural and the mystical. To this day, many believe that each lunar phase lends its own distinctive energy to a person's life, even though there is no scientific evidence for this.

The lunar (from luna, Latin for moon) phases are useful for counting the time, so no wonder that the lunar calendar is among the very oldest. The modern era knows a variety of lunar calendars (agricultural, health, etc.), which are often compared to horoscopes, recognising that the Moon, while not ruling a person's life, still influences it.

Many have observed that tide and ebb have a powerful global influence. The gravitational forces of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun make the swell of the water rise and drop periodically. Earth's atmosphere also experiences ebbs and tides, which affect the weather as well as move the magma, preventing it from hardening and at times making it burst to the surface of the Earth in the form of molten lava.

The gentle moonlight is in complete contrast to these scenes of demonic interplay among the elements. In classical Latvian culture, the most popular depiction of this golden heavenly object is the art-nouveau-inspired poem by Aspazija, entitled "Mēness starus stīgo" (Streaming Moonlight), which, in 1901, found its beautiful musical complement in Emīls Dārziņš's composition.

The green niobium of the reverse of the coin features forests, fields, rocks, and watery wastes of our planet, viewed in a circle as if from up high. The symbolic circle provides a change of scale from the global to the more human, as it evokes associations with the Advent or Midsummer Solstice wreaths, a tangible representation of the great routes incessantly travelled by the Sun, the Earth, and the faithful companion of the latter, the Moon.
За период с 2012-12-29 по 2024-01-23 монета подорожала на 26%

Recent changes

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[2022.05.19]   Rns: On sale coin Coin of Time III with price 65.00
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[2020.11.06]   Eurogold: On sale coin Coin of Time III with price 68.00
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[2019.10.18]   Rns: Selling price of the coin Coin of Time III changed from 69.00 € to 65.00