Christmas tree

Christmas tree Christmas tree
Tipas: Sidabrinė moneta
Medžiaga: Sidabras 925°
Išleista: 2009
Mėnuo: November
Nominalas: 1 Ls
Tiražas: 20 000
Kokybė: Proof
Masė (g): 22.00
Skersmuo (mm): 35.00
Monetos dailininkas: Edgars Folks
Gipsinis modelis: Jānis Strupulis
Moneta nukaldinta: Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Nyderlandai)


Seller Price
baltcoin.lv 70.00  [49.20 Ls] new Go to site
Vladimir 48.00  [33.73 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Ivars 55.00  [38.65 Ls] new Collector's cabinet
ronnie 55.00  [38.65 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Lilita 55.00  [38.65 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Liana 60.00  [42.17 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Felix 55.00  [38.65 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
b.moonlight 35.00  [24.60 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Arvydas 45.00  [31.63 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Dzintra 60.00  [42.17 Ls] old Collector's cabinet


Buyer Price
baltcoin.lv 22.00 €  [15.46 Ls] new Collector's cabinet
Vladimir 35.00 €  [24.60 Ls] new Collector's cabinet
Ivars 40.00 €  [28.11 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Vadim 23.00 €  [16.16 Ls] Collector's cabinet
22446402 33.00 €  [23.19 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
coins777 36.00 €  [25.30 Ls] Collector's cabinet
Aigars 35.00 €  [24.60 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
Валентин 35.00 €  [24.60 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
L1 36.00 €  [25.30 Ls] old Collector's cabinet
goldsilvertrade.lv 25.00 €  [17.57 Ls] old Collector's cabinet


A man carrying a small fir-tree, a squirrel and a shining moon are in the centre of the coin. The common logo of the "European Heritage", the commemorative coin programme of the European Union, together with the inscription ZIEMASSVĒTKU EGLĪTEI 500 (500th Anniversary of Christmas Tree) are arranged in a semicircle on the left above. The numeral 1 and the inscription LATS are placed at the bottom part of the coin.


Mummers in traditional masks are depicted in the centre of the coin; the year 2009, arranged in a semicircle, is inscribed at the bottom on the right-hand side.


Inscriptions LATVIJAS BANKA (Bank of Latvia) and LATVIJAS REPUBLIKA (Republic of Latvia), separated by rhombic dots.

Among the many symbols cherished by humans, there is one held particularly dear by millions. It is the Christmas tree whose fragrance, beauty and serenity are beheld in early childhood and not forgotten for the rest of one's life. Every December, as the winter solstice and Christ's birthday approach, these trees are put up in city squares, they are used to adorn shop windows and work spaces, it is given the place of honour in people's houses. The Christmas tree helps to bring families together, it provides solace for the lonely, and makes the happy even happier.

Honouring the Christmas tree, we adorn it with colourful decorations, ribbons, and glitter, we light candles on its branches. Underneath we put presents for children, friends and family. It is celebrated with poetry, songs, and dances. And those gathered around it feel blessed with peace, love, and good thoughts.

But where does the Christmas tree tradition come from? After all, the palm frond is associated with Christ's native land. It is St. Francis of Assisi who apparently made a Nativity scene in a forest in 1222 and put lighted candles in the branches of nearby fir trees. The first ever Christmas tree in Riga, adorned with flowers, appeared at a Christmas season street carnival organised by the Blackhead brotherhood and was burnt in 1510 before Shrove Tuesday. Saying good-bye to the current year and seeing in the new one in Latvia has elements of both pagan Latvian and Christian traditions. The old solstice rituals with their masquerades have also centred around the fir tree whereas in Christianity this tree symbolises the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden and Christ's gift of eternal life, but the lit candles in the tree are a reflection of the light Christ brought to the world of darkness.

In the Christian world, the Christmas tree tradition first spread in the German lands: as early as the beginning of the 17th century it was a custom to bring home a fir tree at Christmas and decorate it with paper roses and apples. Only in the 19th century this tradition took hold in Great Britain and afterwards in the United States and elsewhere.

To many Christmas tree is something more than just a ritual object or a decoration: it is a symbol of vitality and rebirth, of uniting spiritual energy, of peace and brotherly love. These same ideas have motivated the Bank of Latvia to issue a special coin honouring the Christmas tree.
За период с 2012-12-29 по 2024-01-22 монета подорожала на 53%

Recent changes

[2024.09.19]   baltcoin.lv: Selling price of the coin Christmas tree changed from 60.00 € to 70.00
[2024.01.22]   Rns: Coin Christmas tree taken out of sale
[2023.12.13]   Rns: On sale coin Christmas tree with price 55.00
[2023.12.11]   Rns: Coin Christmas tree taken out of sale
[2023.11.26]   baltcoin.lv: Selling price of the coin Christmas tree changed from 55.00 € to 60.00
[2023.08.03]   Rns: On sale coin Christmas tree with price 55.00
[2023.08.01]   Rns: Coin Christmas tree taken out of sale
[2023.06.20]   Rns: Selling price of the coin Christmas tree changed from 50.00 € to 55.00
[2023.05.30]   Rns: On sale coin Christmas tree with price 50.00
[2023.05.28]   Rns: Coin Christmas tree taken out of sale