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Coin Price Coin Price
Collector Coin National Library of Latvia Collector Coin National Library of Latvia 25.00 €      1 centime (1922–1935) 1 centime (1922–1935) 2.00 €
2 lats (1993) 2 lats (1993) 10.00 €      Coin of Time Coin of Time 200.00 €
Coin of Time III Coin of Time III 45.00 €      1 lats - Stork 1 lats - Stork 11.00 €
Coin of Digits Coin of Digits 250.00 €      10 lats 10 lats 45.00 €
2 centimes (1937) 2 centimes (1937) 30.00 €      20 santims 20 santims 15.00 €
Coin of Time II Coin of Time II 65.00 €     

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Country: Latvia
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