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Coin Price Coin Price
Coin of Time Coin of Time 350.00 €      Coin of Fortune Coin of Fortune 315.00 €
Collector Coin Issued within the Program \ Collector Coin Issued within the Program "History of Gold" 85.00 €      Riga\'s History in Coins (8 pc) Riga's History in Coins (8 pc) 250.00 €
Collector Coin Issued Within the International Program Millennium Collector Coin Issued Within the International Program Millennium 65.00 €      History of Seafaring. Frigate Gekroente Ehlendt History of Seafaring. Frigate Gekroente Ehlendt 350.00 €
Coin commemorating the barricades of January 1991 Coin commemorating the barricades of January 1991 55.00 €      Series: Roots. \ Series: Roots. "Times and Values" 255.00 €

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Country: Latvia
City: Dobele
Telephone: 0037129173286
E-mail: Send personal message
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