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Coin Price Coin Price
Latvian euro coins PROOF Set 2014 Latvian euro coins PROOF Set 2014 60.00 €      Stork / BU Stork / BU 6.00 €
Song Festival (Cu/Ni) Song Festival (Cu/Ni) 5.00 €      The Latvian ABC Book (Cu/Ni) The Latvian ABC Book (Cu/Ni) 7.00 €
Latvian euro coins BU Set 2015 Latvian euro coins BU Set 2015 15.00 €      Latvian euro coins SET / Stork / BU Latvian euro coins SET / Stork / BU 15.00 €
30 years of the European Union flag (BU) 30 years of the European Union flag (BU) 6.00 €      Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 (BU) Riga - European Capital of Culture 2014 (BU) 15.00 €

Contacts data

Country: Latvia
City: Rīga
Telephone: 28218245
E-mail: Send personal message
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