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Coin Price Coin Price
2 EURO / THE RISING SUN 2 EURO / THE RISING SUN 100.00 €      Latvian euro coins PROOF Set 2014 Latvian euro coins PROOF Set 2014 50.00 €
2 EURO / 100th anniversary of the Baltic States / SET 2 EURO / 100th anniversary of the Baltic States / SET 30.00 €      Riga Technical University Riga Technical University 150.00 €
Coin - 365 Coin - 365 40.00 €      The Earth The Earth 100.00 €
5-lats Silver Collector Coin 5-lats Silver Collector Coin 100.00 €      The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU (BU) The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU (BU) 17.00 €
Fairy Tale Coin I. Five Cats Fairy Tale Coin I. Five Cats 130.00 €     


Coin Price Coin Price
1 lats - Stork 1 lats - Stork 7.00 €      1 lats - Ant 1 lats - Ant 4.00 €

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Country: Latvia
City: Rīga
E-mail: Send personal message
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