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Coin Price Coin Price
1 lats (1924) 1 lats (1924) 4.00 €      Riga-800. 15th Century Riga-800. 15th Century 60.00 €
Riga-800. 14th Century Riga-800. 14th Century 60.00 €      Riga-800. 13th Century Riga-800. 13th Century 60.00 €
The Latvian ABC Book The Latvian ABC Book 50.00 €      Riga\'s History in Coins (8 pc) Riga's History in Coins (8 pc) 450.00 €
Baltic Way Baltic Way 55.00 €      5-lats Silver Collector Coin 5-lats Silver Collector Coin 100.00 €
University of Latvia University of Latvia 50.00 €      Euro starter kit Euro starter kit 20.00 €
Hansa Cities. Cesis Hansa Cities. Cesis 70.00 €      Hansa Cities. Limbazi Hansa Cities. Limbazi 70.00 €
Hansa Cities. Koknese Hansa Cities. Koknese 70.00 €      Latvian euro coins BU Set 2014 Latvian euro coins BU Set 2014 15.00 €

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Country: Latvia
City: Rīga
Telephone: 29242314
E-mail: Send personal message
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