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Coin Price Coin Price
150 years of firefighting in Latvia 150 years of firefighting in Latvia 36.00 €      Coin of the Seasons Coin of the Seasons 36.00 €
Rudolf Blaumanis Rudolf Blaumanis 32.00 €      Melancholic waltz Melancholic waltz 45.00 €
Baroque of Courland Baroque of Courland 53.00 €      Old Stenders Old Stenders 32.00 €
Rainis and Aspazija Rainis and Aspazija 59.00 €      “Baltars”. Porcelain “Baltars”. Porcelain 65.00 €
Baltic Way Baltic Way 42.00 €      Coin of Time III Coin of Time III 65.00 €

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Country: Latvia
City: Jūrmala
E-mail: Send personal message
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