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Coin Price Coin Price
Coin of Time Coin of Time 575.00 €      Coin - 365 Coin - 365 52.00 €
50th Anniversary of the United Nations 50th Anniversary of the United Nations 85.00 €      Endangered Wildlife. European Mink Endangered Wildlife. European Mink 325.00 €


Coin Price Coin Price
The Smallest Gold Coins of the World - Art Nouveau. Riga The Smallest Gold Coins of the World - Art Nouveau. Riga 64.03 €      100 lats (1998) 100 lats (1998) 500.00 €
100 lats (1993) 100 lats (1993) 337.22 €      Treasures of the World. The Golden Apple Tree Treasures of the World. The Golden Apple Tree 64.03 €
The Smallest Gold Coins of the World - 5-lats Coin The Smallest Gold Coins of the World - 5-lats Coin 83.95 €      Coin of Fortune Coin of Fortune 200.00 €
Collector Coin Issued Within the International Program Millennium Collector Coin Issued Within the International Program Millennium 60.00 €      Coin of Digits Coin of Digits 362.83 €

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Country: Latvia
City: Rīga
Telephone: 26462784
E-mail: Send personal message
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