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Coin Price Coin Price
My Latvia My Latvia 39.00 €      Cat\'s Mill Cat's Mill 80.00 €
Fairy Tale Coin III. The Old Man\'s Mitten Fairy Tale Coin III. The Old Man's Mitten 39.00 €      Christmas Battles Christmas Battles 49.00 €
“Baltars”. Porcelain “Baltars”. Porcelain 49.00 €      The Garden of Destiny The Garden of Destiny 59.00 €
Smith Forges in the Sky Smith Forges in the Sky 39.00 €      Fairy Tale Coin II. Hedgehog Coat Fairy Tale Coin II. Hedgehog Coat 44.00 €
Set of coins \ Set of coins "Coats of arms of Latvia's cultural and hist. regions" 35.00 €      Gold Brooches. The Bubble Fibula Gold Brooches. The Bubble Fibula 695.00 €
Curonian kings Curonian kings 49.00 €      Latgale Congress Latgale Congress 49.00 €

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Country: Estonia
City: Таллинн
Telephone: +37256654727
E-mail: Send personal message
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