Recent changes

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[2013.03.15]   58 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin 5-lats Silver Collector Coin changed from 52.65 € to 56.92
[2013.03.15]   107 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Time III changed from 38.42 € to 39.84
[2013.03.15]   111 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Amber Coin changed from 42.69 € to 56.92
[2013.03.15]   118 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Declaration of Independence changed from 25.61 € to 27.03
[2013.03.15]   123 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Duke Jacob's 400th Anniversary changed from 25.61 € to 27.03
[2013.03.15]   141 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Song Festival changed from 28.46 € to 31.30
[2013.03.15]   153 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Life changed from 62.61 € to 64.03
[2013.03.15]   158 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Digits changed from 273.19 € to 277.46
[2013.03.15]   163 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Time II changed from 45.53 € to 46.96
[2013.03.15]   205 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Hansa Cities. Valmiera changed from 22.77 € to 24.19
[2013.03.15]   211 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Hansa Cities. Kuldiga changed from 22.77 € to 24.19
[2013.03.15]   216 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Series: Roots. Heaven changed from 24.19 € to 28.46
[2013.03.15]   228 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Series: Roots. Earth changed from 22.77 € to 24.19
[2013.03.15]   232 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Endangered Wildlife. European Mink changed from 88.22 € to 92.49
[2013.03.15]   268 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Sydney - 2000. Javelin Thrower changed from 167.90 € to 170.75
[2013.03.15]   271 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Collector Coin Issued within the Program "History of Gold" changed from 62.61 € to 64.03
[2013.03.15]   273 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin History of Seafaring. Frigate Gekroente Ehlendt changed from 190.67 € to 199.20
[2013.03.15]   275 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin The Smallest Gold Coins of the World. Gaff-sail schooner Julia Maria changed from 61.18 € to 62.61
[2013.03.15]   279 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Series: Roots. Destiny changed from 27.03 € to 28.46
[2013.03.15]   282 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Coin of Time changed from 213.43 € to 227.66
[2013.03.15]   288 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin Lucky coin changed from 93.91 € to 99.60
[2013.03.15]   290 Eurogold: Purchase price of the coin The Latvian ABC Book changed from 27.03 € to 28.46
[2013.03.12]   188 Eurogold: Coin Baron Münchhausen taken out of sale
[2013.03.07]   262 Eurogold: Coin 100 lats (1993) taken out of sale
[2013.03.07]   291 Eurogold: On sale coin Silver Salmon with price 41.26
[2013.03.06]   284 Eurogold: Coin Coin of Time taken out of sale
[2013.03.04]   109 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Amber Coin changed from 85.37 € to 92.49
[2013.03.04]   261 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin 100 lats (1993) changed from 362.83 € to 384.18
[2013.03.04]   283 Eurogold: On sale coin Coin of Time with price 412.64
[2013.02.26]   161 Eurogold: Selling price of the coin Coin of Time II changed from 85.37 € to 92.49